February (my birthday month) certainly kept me busy! Let’s jump right into all the fun things that happened!
First, I was honored to be asked to M.C. my dear friend Ben Francisco’s book launch for his debut YA science-fiction novel, Val Vega: Secret Ambassador of Earth.
It was a wonderful evening of space trivia, a live reading, and audience participation.
I was thrilled that Ben trusted me to interview him in the Q&A that capped off the festivities!
If smart, funny, adventurous YA science fiction is your thing, you should definitely check out Val Vega: Secret Ambassador of Earth!
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Also in February, I attended Boskone 61, a convention in Boston, MA!
I’ve been going to Boskone for several years now and really enjoy the convention’s pleasant mix of the serious and the nerdy, not to mention the chance to see my New England friends, whom I don’t get to see very often.

While there, I moderated a panel on editing horror fiction, and spoke on panels on Doctor Who, medical science in speculative fiction, and the state of cosmic horror.
I think I was the only person on the medical science panel who wasn’t a doctor or a scientist! It went well, though, somehow. All the panels did.
Many thanks to the organizers for having me on the program! I can’t wait for Boskone 62 next year!
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And of course, there was my birthday! I turned 55 in the company of good friends, and we all ate entirely too much delicious Italian food at Carmine’s in Times Square. A week later, I’m still full!
Want to get me a birthday present? The best present for me is a present for yourself — namely, buy yourself one of my books today!
Sneak Previews
Last month, I mentioned that the future of the Dr. Laura Powell series is riding on how well The Mind Worms does.
It’s a sad fact that although The Hungry Earth did very well, becoming an Amazon and B&N bestseller, The Stone Serpent didn’t do nearly as well.
If you’re a fan of the series I urge you to step up and show your support. One way you can do that is to preorder The Mind Worms now!
Mostly, it’s the e-book that’s available for preorder at this time, but you can preorder the paperback from Amazon. Preordering the paperback from other bookstores, as well as the audiobook, should be possible soon.
Right now, here’s where you can preorder The Mind Worms:
Amazon: e-book and paperback
Barnes & Noble: e-book
Kobo: e-book
Apple Books: e-book
Google Play: e-book
Smashwords: e-book
As always, many thanks for your support!
Check out the next section of this newsletter to find out all about the book launch events — yes, events, plural! —that will be happening in April!
In the Flesh
First, I was on a few podcasts recently:
I was on the inaugural episode of the Midnight Shop of Shadows podcast, talking with host Darrin Person and fellow guests Tracy Person and Zena Dixon (a.k.a. YouTube’s Real Queen of Horror) about our favorite horror movie theme music choices: Music and the Savage Beast
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I was also on Sasha Graham’s podcast Ghost Stories by the Fire, talking about a possible UFO visitation, the spectral violinist I heard as a child, and my thoughts on how demons fill their days when they're not busy possessing people: "Spectral Violinist" with Sci-Fi/Horror Author Nicholas Kaufmann
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And now here it is, the big news:
There will be not one but two (2!) (TWO!) book launches for The Mind Worms!
1) NYC book launch
Tuesday, April 9th
7 PM - 8:30 PM
Barrow's Intense NY Tasting Room in Brooklyn
I will be in conversation with bestselling author and podcaster Sasha Graham!
Admission is free, but please RSVP using this Eventbrite link so the venue can know how many people to expect.
2) New England book launch
Thursday, April 25th
6 PM - 8 PM
Copper Dog Books in Beverly, MA
I will be in conversation with critic and author Jack M. Haringa!
Free admission
Mark your calendars now! I hope to see you at one of these events!
Weird Science for March
Hopefully you’re not as sick of hearing my voice as I am, because I’m going to be on yet another podcast! A video podcast this time!
On Wednesday, March 6th — a mere four days after you receive this newsletter —at 8 PM Eastern, I’m going to be a guest on Russ’s Rockin’ Rollercoaster, which you can watch live on host Russ Colchamiro’s YouTube channel.
(It will also be archived on the channel afterward, so don’t worry if you can’t catch it live.)
Joining me will be author David Wellington, my co-host on the soon-to-launch podcast devoted to all things strange-but-true science, Spooky Science Lab!
On Wednesday, we’re going to talk about what we have planned for our podcast, and we’re also going to give you a taste of what weird-science madness you can expect from Spooky Science Lab!
I hope you will tune in and join the weirdness fun!
Until next time!
Like what you see? Buy me a cup of coffee!
Want to learn more about my books? Visit my website!